The method of an Iraqi doll with more than one formula for a delightful excursion
One of the most delicious dishes and food items that help you to offer a varied travel with a wonderful taste is the dish dolima, there is more than one doll way you can offer your family, doll, or stuffed, has many varieties that satisfy all tastes, and here is the way the Iraqi, Turkish and Egyptian dolima that you can offer in simple steps to get a delicious taste.
The way a doll works to get the doll to the best taste, it is necessary to prepare its mixture well, and give you the way the doll mix works for a delicious trip.
Ingredients 3 cups rice amounts tomato juice 2 tbsp tomato sauce 4 large onion oil, chopped parsley, chopped half chopped or cut into small pieces coriander pack, cut into small pieces. Spices (salt, pepper, cumin, dry green coriander, cinnamon pinch, 7 spices, mint spray) The modus operandi of al-Mahshi from more than one of the most stuffed countries of the basic foods on the Arabic and Egyptian travel, learn with us how the mahshi works with more than one recipe from different countries. Read more.
How to prepare the dolma: Prepare the mixing ingredients, wash the rice well and leave it in the strainer, then cut the onions in the kibbeh or blender until it is chopped and finely chopped. Prepare the vegetables and wash them well and cut them very small, then heat the oil on the fire and put the onions and grill it a little then put the tomato juice and two tablespoons tomato sauce and put a little spice on the mixture and leave until it is mixed.
Lift the suit from the fire and let the alloy calm down and cool a little and then add it to the rice and vegetable slit and my heart the whole mix and then add the rest of the spices and thus become the mixture of stuffed ready for you and you can stuff the ingredients to get an Iraqi doll with a delicious and wonderful taste.
The modus operandi of the Basra doll ingredients: kilo eggplant kilo zucchini rice cabbage 2 grains onions parsley spoon edited spices 1 teaspoon of salt hill 4 cloves garlic cup of vegetable oil cube broth 3 sweet peppers way prepare the basra doll: soak the rice in water for 15 minutes, during this period wash the stuffed fruits and start digging them. Boil the cabbage leaves and remove them from the water after boiling them to be ready to dry. Prepare the fillings, drain the rice and wash, add garlic, chopped parsley, spices, broth, salt and vegetable oil. Wash the stuffed after digging it and then start stuffing the varicose veins "cabbage leaves" and stacking them at the end of the suit, then stuff the eggplant and stack it over the leaves of the cabbage and then zucchini and stack it on top of them.
Sprinkle onions, tomatoes, potatoes, paprika and stack them over the zucchini. Put 2 tablespoons of tomato sticks, salt and water over the stuffed and simmer for 20-25 minutes. The modus operandi of the Iraqi dolma pomegranate ingredients 2 cups rice 2 medium onion molasses roman bunch parsley dill and coriander small chopped 1/2 cup olive oil garlic clove sedated 2 tbsp tomato sauce tomato esm lemon juice sliced lemon spices "salt, black pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, cinnamon, ginger, mint and coriander" oil broth kitchen paste | The way baking works with the Egyptian and Palestinian recipe sit savoic and enjoy the way baking works, and enjoy a variety of recipes from delicious and nutritious winter food. Read more. How to prepare the Iraqi dolma with pomegranate molasses: Grill the onions and garlic in olive oil and then put the juice and tomato sauce and stir the mixture well.
Add half the spices and molasses to the Romans and then let the mixture simmer. Remove the tomato alloy from the fire let it cool and then add it to the rice after washing and filtering it from the water and add the vegetable shards after cutting them small pieces and then add the rest of the spices and a workshop of molasses Romans and lemon juice heart mixture well. Prepare the stuffed fruits after digging and clean them from the inside well, so that they are ready for filling, and stuff them with the previous mixture. Put 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, salt and water over the stuffed and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
The modus operandi of the Turkish doll ingredients: Egyptian rice and "determine the quantity depending on the number of individuals and the amount of stuffed fruits you have." Stock tomato juice. Tomato sauce of 1/2 kg minced meat 2-3 medium onions, vegetablestuffstuffed spices and use your favorite spices such as cinnamon and thyme, along with the essential spices of salt, pepper, cumin and potato. How to prepare the Turkish doll: Start grilling the onions in the oil, then add the tomato juice, sauce and meat and leave for a few minutes.
After leaving the ingredients before the fire for minutes add the spices and let it simmer, and after the mixture is cooked and cool the guest for rice and vegetable and add the rest of the spices and stir the mixture well. Prepare the stuffed fruits after digging and clean them from the inside well, so that they are ready for filling, stuff them with the previous mixture, and stack them in layers inside a large metal bowl. Put 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, salt and water over the stuffed and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
The modus operandi of the Iraqi dolma by boiling ingredients: kilo eggplant kilo zucchini rice leaves two grains of parsley tomatoes spoon edited spices 1/2 kilo meat 2 onion salt 4 cloves garlic cup of vegetable oil cube broth 3 sweet peppers way of preparing the Iraqi doll by boiling: Wash the rice well and drain it of water, and you can soak it in water for 15 minutes. Prepare the stuffed fruits for the filling by emptying them from the inside and cleaning them thoroughly. Boil the cabbage leaves and remove them from the water after boiling them to be ready to dry.
Prepare the fillings, chop the rice and wash, add garlic, chopped parsley, spices, broth, salt, vegetable oil and minced meat. Wash the stuffed after digging and then start stuffing the cabbage paper and stackit it at the end of the suit, then stuff the eggplant and stack it over the leaves of the cabbage and then the zucchini and stack it on top of them. Sprinkle onions, tomatoes, potatoes, paprika and stack them over the zucchini.
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